Well-Known Member
Contemplating a turbo in my future possibly for my BBM. Would the easiest method be to install a typical HP exhaust manifold (nearly a block hugger style header, with a very short primary tube length 2-3" to the collector, bolted upside down)? I actually would be running a very small single turbo T70?, as the cranks seem to walk after 700HP in these RB's Mopars and we all know what happens to 8 3/4's... I am no expert on turbos, can someone kind of school me on everything needed in a budget turbo build (other than the obvious blow-through carb, boost timing retard box). Looking at around 8.5-9:1 Compression with the use of custom head gaskets as done in Mopar Muscle Mag'. I would switch to a different solid camshaft, with around 240* dur @ .050/112LSA with the Turbo (maybe a mopar 528 solid as most affordable option?) as I could make up a majority of the power loss. How about those Ebay turbo's? Any direction on a good BOV/Waste gate? What else would I need? Thanks in advance. Only would be looking to make a reliable 650HP which shouldn't be hard with 451 cubes! I have a feeling a turbo would be a lot easier on the 4-speed as well.