Everything points out a ground problems but what is weird on here is, with headlights on the front parking lights gets turned off up to 68. This mean the front turning light bulb shouldn't get any voltage to them, so the cluster pilot light should not get this voltage either not even with a ground failure on the front parking light.
Rears are divorced from front parking to be able to keep on with headlights on into the light switch and turning switch are similar to reach this goal. If front and rears turnings weren't divorced, fronts ( and cluster ) turnings will light on when brakes are applied too.
However, is true ground issues are able to make WEEEEEIRD stuff.
What about the temp gauge ? Works perfect with and without headlights? Both gauges get the same voltage at the same time throught the voltage limiter. I can't think on any reason why both would make a diff thing between them.