It's just mindless entertainment, it's not a documentary
I do watch the Discovery, History, Animal Planet, NetGeo, Fox & FBN etc.
I like nature & animal stuff or old westerns too...
I rarely watch any Network TV, NBC CBS ABC crap...
Unfortunately it's only slightly better than most TV,
I watch a lot of car shows, have for a while now, since 2007
since I had my dad move in with me,
seems the damn TV is on in the background always....
It makes him happy...
It's all usually DVR'd
so I can fast fwrd thru the BS,
I personally like shows with more fabrication, welding
hand on how to stuff &/or actual building & information,
not phony scripted fluff...
I won't/don't watch West Coast Customs {remember Pimp My Ride}
most their build reminds me of that show,
I hate the fugly *** overly big wheels on everything too...
{No I don't hate all big wheels either}
Chasing Classic Cars is mostly stuck up & hoity toidy
rich elitist easterners BS
Roger the old mech. is the only good thing...
I don't like the owner of Fantom Works "at all",
rarely watch...
I'm not big on Wheeler Dealer much either...
Counting Cars is kind of cheesy...
Gearz Stacy David is Ok sometimes, I don't like some of his tastes...
Fast & Loud is OK, I think I've gotten use to Richard
now that the fat boys are all gone...
Street Outlaws is OK once you get past the scripted &
set up tracks/closed off all concrete "lit up like daylight" streets
full chassis racecars "were bully
street-racers f-bombs BS"
Graveyard Carz is better now that Mark has very little air time &
Will & Dave out in the shop, do most the work,
with far less of Mark's lame insults, dancing & needless grab-*** BS
I don't know why he bugs me so damn much, but he does...
I do hope the show continues, I reluctantly hope it actually gets better too,
only because it's the only Mopar specific show...
I enjoy Bitchin' Rides, I like the builds most the time,
the banter between Dave, Kevin & all the employees is like a real shop,
not fake scripted phony BS
Americarna is OK sometimes, it's hit & miss
Ray Everingham does an OK job, some cool historical cars etc.
All Girls Garage is kind of cheesy, since Jessie Combs left
Car Fix I like Jeret & Lou, it's entertaining, sometimes even informative
Garage Squad has a decent story line sometimes &
head tech/mech. Joe is a Mopar Guy
Some of the Sunday morning shows on Spike TV
Xtreme Off Road
{for the damn spelling police it's spelled that way}
isn't bad, he has some serious fab skills...
Engine Power is kind of dry, but has some good stuff now & then,
I like the dyno sessions...
Detroit Muscle is a bit cheesy too, but sometimes good stuff...
I actually enjoy watching the auctions too,
IMO it's like a rolling car show,
I don't get too bothered by what other people spend their own money on...
Once I started looking at it with that mindset, just for the cars,
I enjoy it far more...
Some are worse than others...
Like I said it's
Mindless entertainment, you don't have to think much
once you accept it for what it is, it's far more enjoyable...
If you expect more than that, you'll be severely disappointed...
I really like to watch live Drag Racing mainly
& more News than anything else or
sports my favorite is Football {espec. NCAA} more than anything...
By the way, that $2000 RR gauge cluster
was taken back by the Shop manager
to get their money back too...
Those 2 idiots Rolly & Mike are dunces...