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TV Car Shows


Will fish for food
Local time
12:59 AM
Feb 19, 2010
Reaction score
What a joke RIGHT? Just watched an episode of Counting cars. They paid 2000.00 for a rallye instrument cluster for a 70 Road Runner. REALLY LOL. BOY do I have a shed full of gold for them. I guess that is why people think their parts are worth so much.
I don't watch those shows anymore either. They just seem so phony. Hard to believe they are real examples of cars they rebuild that always just meet the owners " budget". They all seem phony.
Yep me too was just bored and didn't feel like working in my shop this afternoon.
That show is local Las Vegas for me.I know several guys that work there.LOTS of fluff and most is very phony.Much like watching Pro Wrestling.
I some times watch it when bored to tears. They do turn out some beautiful art work. I have always been a fan of air brushed work on cars. I had a truck done in the 70's that was a mural all the way down both sides. When I get my 68 done I plan on a mural of Jesus on the trunk providing I can find an artist close by that can do it.
They all screw the cars up..lowered,modified plus all the owners are millionaires...why not show a real setup...I have way more respect for the guy under a car pulling bolts that will eventually let the tree limb with the chainfall pull the motor.
I try not to watch T.V at all. I like Shows with substance. I want to be educated while watching
That show is local Las Vegas for me.I know several guys that work there.LOTS of fluff and most is very phony.Much like watching Pro Wrestling.
I agree and dammit I wish that Clown Danny would quit wearing those Damn Dago Tee's with those skinny *** arms of his all covered with those biker tats. He is too damn old to be acting and looking like that. Plus I find the work somewhat lacking in originality. Hell give me Worman and Grave Yard Cars over Counting Cars any day. As screwy as that show is at least I can get some quality ideas on the way to resto our MOPARS verses the dropped, bagged, fluffed and buffed junk they have on their show. And ***** Mike?????:eek::eek::eek: Sad specimen of the human gene pool...cr8crshr/Tuck:usflag::usflag::usflag:
I agree and dammit I wish that Clown Danny would quit wearing those Damn Dago Tee's with those skinny *** arms of his all covered with those biker tats. He is too damn old to be acting and looking like that. Plus I find the work somewhat lacking in originality. Hell give me Worman and Grave Yard Cars over Counting Cars any day. As screwy as that show is at least I can get some quality ideas on the way to resto our MOPARS verses the dropped, bagged, fluffed and buffed junk they have on their show. And ***** Mike?????:eek::eek::eek: Sad specimen of the human gene pool...cr8crshr/Tuck:usflag::usflag::usflag:
Are you saying someone might have dropped a little Clorox in that gene pool lol.
I like a few youtube channels where the guys film their projects as they do them from start to finish. Jo Daddy's Garage is a good considering he's a regular guy and a 1 man show..

As far as TV car shows, I do like Graveyard Cars because I like to see the cars and their processes.
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I watch them all except for "inside west coast customs" ( always waiting for xzibit to jump out and put a fishtank in the back seat ) :lol:, "graveyard cars" , don't think it will ever air in Australia again ( they still haven't got over audience reaction to series 1 and 2,australians hated it )
and "Dallas car sharks " . I view it as entertainment just like watching the wrestling ( you know it ain't real but still watch ) .
favourites were "extreme car hoarders" and "wheeler dealers " and mark Evans " a... car ,bike, plane is born" and "wreck rescue "
It's just mindless entertainment, it's not a documentary :lol:


I do watch the Discovery, History, Animal Planet, NetGeo, Fox & FBN etc.
I like nature & animal stuff or old westerns too...
I rarely watch any Network TV, NBC CBS ABC crap...


Unfortunately it's only slightly better than most TV,
I watch a lot of car shows, have for a while now, since 2007
since I had my dad move in with me,
seems the damn TV is on in the background always....
It makes him happy...


It's all usually DVR'd
so I can fast fwrd thru the BS,
I personally like shows with more fabrication, welding
hand on how to stuff &/or actual building & information,
not phony scripted fluff...


I won't/don't watch West Coast Customs {remember Pimp My Ride}
most their build reminds me of that show,
I hate the fugly *** overly big wheels on everything too...
{No I don't hate all big wheels either}

Chasing Classic Cars is mostly stuck up & hoity toidy
rich elitist easterners BS
Roger the old mech. is the only good thing...

I don't like the owner of Fantom Works "at all",
rarely watch...

I'm not big on Wheeler Dealer much either...

Counting Cars is kind of cheesy...

Gearz Stacy David is Ok sometimes, I don't like some of his tastes...

Fast & Loud is OK, I think I've gotten use to Richard
now that the fat boys are all gone...

Street Outlaws is OK once you get past the scripted &
set up tracks/closed off all concrete "lit up like daylight" streets
full chassis racecars "were bully street-racers f-bombs BS"

Graveyard Carz is better now that Mark has very little air time &
Will & Dave out in the shop, do most the work,
with far less of Mark's lame insults, dancing & needless grab-*** BS
I don't know why he bugs me so damn much, but he does...
I do hope the show continues, I reluctantly hope it actually gets better too,
only because it's the only Mopar specific show...

I enjoy Bitchin' Rides, I like the builds most the time,
the banter between Dave, Kevin & all the employees is like a real shop,
not fake scripted phony BS

Americarna is OK sometimes, it's hit & miss
Ray Everingham does an OK job, some cool historical cars etc.

All Girls Garage is kind of cheesy, since Jessie Combs left

Car Fix I like Jeret & Lou, it's entertaining, sometimes even informative

Garage Squad has a decent story line sometimes &
head tech/mech. Joe is a Mopar Guy

Some of the Sunday morning shows on Spike TV
Xtreme Off Road {for the damn spelling police it's spelled that way}
isn't bad, he has some serious fab skills...

Engine Power is kind of dry, but has some good stuff now & then,
I like the dyno sessions...

Detroit Muscle is a bit cheesy too, but sometimes good stuff...

I actually enjoy watching the auctions too,
IMO it's like a rolling car show,
I don't get too bothered by what other people spend their own money on...
Once I started looking at it with that mindset, just for the cars,
I enjoy it far more...

Some are worse than others...
Like I said it's Mindless entertainment, you don't have to think much
once you accept it for what it is, it's far more enjoyable...

If you expect more than that, you'll be severely disappointed...

I really like to watch live Drag Racing mainly
& more News than anything else or
sports my favorite is Football {espec. NCAA} more than anything...

Wall of text.jpg

By the way, that $2000 RR gauge cluster
was taken back by the Shop manager
to get their money back too...
Those 2 idiots Rolly & Mike are dunces...
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You should find "a car is reborn" or "wreck rescue" pommy but good content Mark Evans is good presenter and does all the work in a car is reborn
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I too was not the biggest fan of car restoration television. That was before I met Dan Short owner of Fantomworks. All I can say is great guy. In fact check out 6/27/17 episode "beauty and the bee." It will be worth your time to see what he does with my SuperBee

I too was not the biggest fan of car restoration television. That was before I met Dan Short owner of Fantomworks. All I can say is great guy. In fact check out 6/27/17 episode "beauty and the bee." It will be worth your time to see what he does with my SuperBee

View attachment 437466

Nice "Bee" Harry
I was turned off from Fantomworks when he did that kids VW Bug, the first year of the show.
He was a real "jerk" to that customer....
I'm sure he was nice to you.
The Saturday morning shows are ok, Car Fix, Detroit Muscle, Hot Rod Tv sux now,
Ive never gotten British humor but I used to like watching Top Gear... They presented it as bs so it was easy to digest...
Monkey, Fired Up are to over the top, Worman isnt to bad, I think hes just a goof hamming it up for the camera, I would have fired his son inlaw and that other *** a long time ago...his daughter makes it a lot more palletable too!
Still watch Overhaulin and Bitchin Rides, i would have to fire Kevin though, guy is worthless..
OKC is what it is...S.O. New Orleans is supposed to be coming back which was the biggest joke of them all!
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