Well-Known Member
Just reading this piece on how Texas is now pumping more oil than a lot of OPEC countries... and yet the prices aren't reflecting increased production. That's because all that West Texas Intermediate Crude (WTIC) used to only be sold on US commodities markets, and was regulated by the Federal Commodities Trade Commission until late 2006 when the funsters in Congress decided to change the law and allow WTIC to be traded on foreign markets. Now it doesn't matter how much oil Texas pumps since it's all priced based on the global price of oil. :angryfire:
Just reading this piece on how Texas is now pumping more oil than a lot of OPEC countries... and yet the prices aren't reflecting increased production. That's because all that West Texas Intermediate Crude (WTIC) used to only be sold on US commodities markets, and was regulated by the Federal Commodities Trade Commission until late 2006 when the funsters in Congress decided to change the law and allow WTIC to be traded on foreign markets. Now it doesn't matter how much oil Texas pumps since it's all priced based on the global price of oil. :angryfire: