1st, Canada has a HUGE amount of tax built in to their gas, so there gas is always going to be high.
Canada's average tax (excise and sales) on the equivalent of a gallon of gasoline is 95.7 cents per gallon. The average tax here in the US is 47 cents. Canada's taxes are higher, but only by 48 cents... not exactly a HUGE amount.
2nd, Gas in Canada was $2.25 a gallon when it was $1.25 here so if they are with in .10 of us then that means there gas hasn't gone up near what ours has.
The average price for a gallon of gasoline in Alberta, right now, is $4.27 a gallon. Minus the extra 48 cents they pay in taxes, and the exchange rate, that means their gas is selling at $3.78 US, and I just filled up ay $3.85 today. Like I said, they are pumping all the oil they need, and have a surplus, and their gas costs within a dime/per gallon of what we're paying.
3rd, Does Canada have the refining capacity that we have? They can have all the oil in the world but if they can't refine it fast enough then the price is going to be high.
Canada doesn't need the refining capacity that we have as their demand is much less. But, Canada is a net exporter of refined petroleum products, meaning they refine 100% of their national requirements and have plenty left over for export.
When you look at the facts vice speculation, guesses, and assumptions, the reality is that Canada produces 100% of its national requirements for oil and refined oil products, exports huge amounts of both, yet their citizens pay the same as we do because those products are bought and sold on the same markets as ours.
The only places where you do not see these prices are where you have a government-controlled system, such as Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, etc., which controls oil and refined products used domestically, and has prices based on actual production costs (about $1 a gallon right now) and not market prices, which it sells their exportable oil for. Until we do the same, and get the markets out of the equation, we'll be paying the market price whether we buy oil from Texas, Pennsylvania, or Saudi Arabia.