My Dad had a '60 VW bus. I was about 4 years old, and always rode in the back seat on the passenger side. (Yes, that's before we were all strapped in). There was a grab rail on the back of the seat that I would hold on to, and as Dad shifted gears, I would twist that bar and pretend I was shifting, too. My older brother and sister thought I was really weird, but I think that's where my love of 3-pedal cars began!
Cried my little girl eyes out when he traded that bus in on a new one...same grab rail was there, but this one was solid and couldn't be 'twisted'. Ah, memories...
BTW, dating guys who weren't into cars just didn't work! There was no understanding of Saturday a.m.'s spent working on, or cleaning and waxing, whatever car I owned at the time. Glad I found the hubby, who agreed that the garage space is the most important part of the house.
How come we always have one more vehicle than we have garages for, though???