Well-Known Member
I feel like unions protect people who shouldnt have thier jobs to begin with, because they are lazy or under skilled for the job. There WAS a time and place for unions to protect the rights of workers and to improve working conditions. That time has past as the unions dont have the power over these companies as most of them dont make every piece of thier product, so most parts going in to the finished product is made by an outside supplier wich are mostly non-union. Wich means they will get there parts from there suppliers if they are on strike or not and, they will hire scabs or put office people to assemble the finished product,therefore the union has no power over the main company. Plus there is O.S.H.A. and the labor ralations board to protect against bad working conditions and they do not take your money to protect you. Unions were the start of this and they had there time but are not needed in todays work place. Thats my thought on it and not tryin to piss any union guys off.