I'm a firm believer of being suited up. As I've gotten older [actually started doing it 20+ years ago], I at minimum protect eyes and respiration. I have a lot of dough invested in the eyes, having done Lasik in 2000 and its hard to do anything without them. Respiration because I can't handle any particles since I'll get at least a cold/congestion from it. From there ears, wear either bluetooth headset or straight muffs and ALWAYS gloves and jacket when welding. The MRI's, 2nd set, are to see if I have any carbon in the pipes, aka plaque. I have a facial spasm on the left side thats caused by the Vertebral Artery on the left side of the brain stem as it comes out of the noodle. The artery has enlarged over several years and is applying pressure to the lh side of the brain stem causing the spasm. Doesn't hurt but ffn annoying, especially when welding, talking to people [really embarrassing when it spaz's] or when I concentrate on what I'm doing. Like driving in traffic with only one eye open or trying to TIG and not fry the weld. If I'm carboned up, its a no go since if they move it, carbon gets dislodged and stroke time. We'll see what happens.