Paul Secoy
Well-Known Member
I just mentioned it as I remembered it as a lower rate spring.
Anything at 415lb/in rate would get you exactly where you want to be as long as you shim it to the correct installed height. (assuming it doesn't put the spring closer to .060 from coil bind but I don't think you will run into that issue with any spring close to your installed height and .530 lift)
For example, a quick look turns up this spring-
It's 415 lb/in 150 @ 1.875.
You want 160 lbs on the seat shim it to 1.85 (so .030 shim under this spring on your heads)
Thanks! The PSI spring was a bit more than I expected, it looked to be about $450 for a set.. $244 for the Isky springs is a bit easier to swallow. I will call Bullet and give them another go at finding one, since I goofed and gave them an incorrect installed height last time.