Well-Known Member
Well I put her up on jack stands yesterday and leveled the car to zero according to the rockers. The Trans is down 4.40° and the rear was at 0°. I couldn't go up with the Trans due to tunnel hump clearance so I shimmed the rear up 4° and things are better but I still have that rattle snake in the shifter between 3-4000 rpm in every gear while accelerating. The higher the gear, the stronger the rattle and the harder I accelerate, the stronger the rattle. The rattle is not there in neutral regardless of clutch position. Engine is new and balanced, Trans is new directly from Libertys Gears. Bell housing was checked and aligned to perfection and pilot bearing is brand new from Hurst. The last thing I think to check is the worthless flimsy Keisler crossmember and mount. I just ordered a new member and poly mount from Hurst.
A thought. If it is pinion angles and close, it can shake on acceleration or deceleration depending on whether the torque on the differential pushes it up or down. It may be that your rear is torqueing up to more than 4 up on acceleration.