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Vietnam vets parasites can appear years later.

Fran Blacker

1 of 27
FBBO Gold Member
Local time
4:57 AM
Sep 23, 2016
Reaction score
My brother showed me the article.
Wish there was more to it, I'm a details oriented individual.

Our Vietnam vets really get the shaft too often.
I've seen this ,and it has been floating around for a while ,when I was losing my site in one eye they asked me if I was in VN ,they said that they had heard of parasites that were bothering vets and that it could be one of the problems , I looked at the doctor asked him if he was an *** hole I dont see no Fn bugs ,well after years of test and on going test still have not found anything just keep coming back so we can take your money:icon_fU:
A noseeum bug? --- They can't be seen/detected and cause no effect. Sounds pretty scary to me.:rolleyes:
There are billions of life forms that live on and within all of us. We are a happy family if we all get along. If a bug gets out of hand and makes a fuss of where it lives than it is time to do something.:elmer:
**** just think whats going to kill those North Korean soldiers
well there just going to have to get in line with everything else that's going to do it there's a line .:usflag:
Do not have to go to Vietnam to find noseeums. If you think they are a joke I invite you to come stand in my back yard some summer after dark. You will never again deny their existence.
Raw/undercooked fish.. Sgt. in my hootch used to have mama-San cook him fish head soup all the time, yellow broth with heads floating in it...
I never ate any fish over there, but I sure drank some questionable water when on patrol. My theory was if it's flowing, it's OK. Just submerged the canteen, took a good swallow and refilled it. 99% of the time I was right.
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