They were the same brand but not exactly same type. The replacement was just a little less CCA and RC.
your alternator green out to regulator and blue out of regulator wire
to Blue-white tracer back to alternator if 1 of these are broke it will think the battery is low and will over charge
I understand but are you saying that overcharging can happen with engine not being started and alternator not turning? This is what my situation is. I know it's really weird. Thanks!No it will only overcharge if the blue sense wire at the voltage reg is not getting full voltage to the reg terminal or is open. If the blue wire to the alt from the ballast breaks open it will not charge at all same as if the green wire from the reg to alt breaks open it wont charge at all. If that green wire gets shorted to ground then it will overcharge. Ron
Multimeter and voltmeter are both good. It seems it could have been some kind of stored charge caused by one of my electrical components acting as a capacitor but I don't know this. This problem is solved for now. I'm still overcharging at over 15 volts via the alternator.Check your voltmeter, or try a different one. Sounds as if the back yard is over charging the battery more the the alternator was. The car was over charging it to 15 volts, and the backyard was at 19 volts? Has to be the voltmeter, or some error in testing. With the battery in the car, engine running, pull the battery caps and see if there are alot of bubbles coming off the plates. That would be a good indicator of over charging.