Bruzilla, you're thinking of the SyFy show "Z Nation".
For the life of me I don't understand this zombie fascination. In my opinion, they have done the 'zombie' thing to death ... :sleepy2:
The walking dead isnt even so much about zombies now. They can handle them for the most part. Its the people that are still alive now that pose the biggest threat. It makes for interesting tv. How fun it must be to write for the show. Delving into human behavior and interaction in the face of the collapse of society. Not that how its being portrayed on tv is how it would play out in a real life scenario, but seeing what happened during Sandy and Katrina, its probably not far off.For the life of me I don't understand this zombie fascination. In my opinion, they have done the 'zombie' thing to death ... :sleepy2:
The walking dead isnt even so much about zombies now. They can handle them for the most part. Its the people that are still alive now that pose the biggest threat. It makes for interesting tv. How fun it must be to write for the show. Delving into human behavior and interaction in the face of the collapse of society. Not that how its being portrayed on tv is how it would play out in a real life scenario, but seeing what happened during Sandy and Katrina, its probably not far off.
In fact, during sandy they had roaming packs of kids/gangs some called wolf packs
Surveying the destruction left in the wake of the hurricane’s path across Coney Island, New York, Mercury One Kerry said the town had collapsed into total chaos, calling it “a war zone area.” Church leaders had been receiving calls from members of their congregations who had “boarded themselves within their own apartments, afraid to come out due to roving gangs of kids – which they called ‘wolf packs’ – who were terrorizing the neighborhood.”
The walking dead isnt even so much about zombies now. They can handle them for the most part.
I'm trying, watched the first episode of the new season with the wife, skipped 2nd episode and listen the the 3rd show while going to sleep. Last night was the start of the new season for Oak Island, just more interesting to me. I enjoy shows that have more to do with building, discovery and engineering of things. My wife hates it when I get the remote, National Geographic channel,Weather Channel and so on. I'm boring when it comes to watching tv.