Mach123; These W-I-W threads are always so subjective... Here's my thoughts, after doing at-least 25-30 of these Mopar cars over the years, among many other brands & makes, some race cars some restorations.... Remember, I'm not trying to be a buzz kill... BUT Where the rust is & how much there is... Can & will determine everything... Are you planning on re-selling this car ??, Was it stored outside all these years in the snow & harsh Northern weather ??, Can or will it be you doing all the work ??, do you have the knowledge to do all the rust repairs ??, will you be paying someone to replace all the rusty panels ??, is the engine complete ??, are you going to swap out the engine ??, does it have a trans & what type is it ??, how much of all the little stuff is there ??, how's the gauges & dash ??, all the little pieces will drive the cost thru the roof on these cars... does it have most of the interior, other than the missing seat ??, like other interior parts or trim pieces... does it have A/C ??, how's the glass ??, IMHFO old rusty Cragers & rotten tires, aren't really worth anything... does it have a clear title ??, does it have the fender tag or build sheet still ??, what rear end does it have ??, how's the grill & exterior trim look ??, how's the rear tail panel & tail-lite lenses ??, how the electrical ??, how the fuel tank ??, how long has it been parked or not running ??, how's the brake lines & fuel lines ??.... All these things & many, many more, can & will ultimately determine whether it's worth $500 or maybe even $1500 or more... A 2dr 69 318ci column shift Coronet could be a cool project, but it's also pretty much a base model car too {other than being a Hard Top}, remember that, especially if your planning on putting a bunch of money into it, it can effect the final value, unless it's your bucket list car & your going to keep it for yourself... Mopar people are pretty adamant about, Vin & Fender tag #'s & original Paint colors, seems to mean absolutely everything to the purist at heart, which is a big part of the Mopar community... Not every car is savable, no matter how passionate people are about these great car, some of them need to be left for professionals & not for everyone's basic abilities &/or knowledge, many of the Purist people that think every car, can & should be saved & will probably/possibly completely disagree with my assessments too... IMHFO just be proactive do your Due Diligence/all the Necessary Research... Weigh the cost of repairs. labor, time & replacement parts or even availabilities of them, to value of the car at the end of the project... Check the frame front & rear, front & rear suspension, cross-members, K-member, quarters especially lower rear portions, wheel surrounds & housings, under trim pieces, trunk top & floor, cowl area, under the windshield & rear window corners all problem areas.... Good luck & happy Mopar hunting....