Right before getting on the New Jersey Turnpike going to Carlisle Chryslers I am backing out of the parking spot at the convenience store and the right rear of my '92 B350 van's bumper catches the right rear bumper this guy's black 2021 Mustang convertible. OH, S**T! I went in and yelled, nobody answered, a guy came out of the men's room, not him, it was the guy in the stall! I waited for him. First call he makes is to his lawyer father! Then he calls 911, we exchange info, we wait for the cop, 10 minutes later he comes, in the middle of talking to us he gets a call, there's a bad accident, we need to wrap this up. The other driver is from Pennsylvania with a car registered in Maryland without insurance card! From my perspective there was not much damage but who knows. I called my agent and she said wait 'till we hear from them. So here I am 2 1/2 weeks later.......