Well-Known Member
Just to get it going --- What is everone working on?
'66 Formula "S" Barracuda. 44,000 mile original miles, original interior, in assembly after 2 years at the paint shop:Groaner:
Just to get it going --- What is everone working on?
Building a mopar chassis street stock race car. its a 73 B body front and rear stub. built at 110 inch wheelbase. it will have an aspen body. LOTS of fab work here.This WAS a straight super late model that was raced last year. it was an old car and I got a great deal on it for what i neaded.
Ben those are some bigOl fat tires under that thing.
Well i had been working on one of the coolest '74 dusters on the planet.. but I pretty much have it done except for the little nit picky stuff...only took 19 years !