That's why there's a very good reason to prep the track
why the insurance company/s doesn't like No-Prep
it will kill off the tracks too...
I raced on a few sketchy surfaces in my time too, usually a cold racetrack
or street racing when young, before I smartened up, knew better...
It's not fun no matter what the "TV personalities profess"
(saw a few Street Outlaws on/in that video, Sean Murder Nova & Dominator)
they get rich off their TV show
(Big Chief is worth like $150+ million today, & he's not even doing no prep)
but they can afford to replace cars/racecars often...
The occasional/part time viewers likes to see the wrecks,
like most NASCAR fans, are there to see the wrecks...
Big wheel-stands are a detriment to a good drag racer,
poser are the ones like doing it, or the ones that brag about it,
a 'real' good racer wants to go/get out quick & barely lift the front tire,
hook & go forward "not up"
it just wasted motion, for the bracket racers...
I personally hate seeing someone wreck their racecar, even if it's a Fox Body Mudstain
entertaining video thou