Well-Known Member
For 1200 and he does all that, he must not want to stay in business? Why would one do that? To me, it makes little sense as Soda is lacking the mass to punch out rust/bondo/etc. Walnut is super cheap compared to Plastic, and it does a very similar job to Plastic. Using Plastic after Walnut is wasting material, labor, electricity for his a/c, glass alone is not a good media to blast with, and Alum oxide is way too heavy to blast as a solo medium, it's super dense. It may sound good...but, in my book and experience it's too good to be true. Hitting it with Plastic first, then hit with the same material with a light mixture of Alum oxide will ensure a clean car, minimum time/materials/resource expenditure. Does this guy have a web site to check out? I do; www.drblast.com
Yes, however it is under construction.
He is recommended by 4 of 5 bodyshops I visited, all are legit businesses.