Well-Known Member
To build a good Street hemi will cost you 17K to 20K. period.
1. Block World Castings Elwood English Block 3000.00
2. Heads with Stage V Rockers 6000.00
3. Rotating Assembly 3000.00 Good quality manley, diamond and Kellog crank or callies.
4. Machine work 1500.00 with final hone hi nickel block and check deck from web oil pan mount..
5. Bearings, Rings oil pan Milodon Pump 600.00
6. Street Roller cam Crane or Comp cams 550.00
7. crane Roller Lifters or Comp. Prefer crane they dont need lifter bores to be sleeved. 350 to 550
8. Quick Fuel Carb 600.00
9. Duel Plane intake used from ebay 200.00
10. MSD Distributor 400.00
11. Double Roller Ashton Billet timing chain 200.00
12. Balance assembly 300.00 with balancer on and also hang fly wheel.
13. Power Master Starter 175.00
14. Smith Brothers Push rods 150.00
15. Head gasket kit and engine assembly kit good quality multi layer head gasket 300.00
16. headers either TTI or used Hooker headers. 400 used 900 new.
17. Valve covers that do not crack or seal properly used american made 300.00 black wrinkle. or old set of MT covers aluminum weight a pile but dont crack.. Bucks