I'm not even going to share my "car list". It would be embarrassing by comparison to most of you guys. Besides I drove a company car for the first 24+ years of my career. Didn't have much need for extra vehicles or time to fool w/them. So I still just stay with my "One and Only" The 68 GTX for 48 years - that was that and there'll never be another.
Now on the sleep front I can chime in on that. After college and into corp america things did change. As many of you have the "can't shut your mind off" problem, so did I. For decades. Many of us have this from our work - and I did too. Being in the sales field at the beginning is was reasonable. Then the more experienced I got the less sleep I got. In sales there truly is no rest day or night. You're always racing in your mind on one deal to the next and way beyond thinking ahead and trying to make sure you've timed everything properly so your set going into another quarter or next year etc. In sales if you're not thinking, planning and executing today, tomorrow and into the future properly you're not cutting it. But it also sucks you dry even if you love what you do and live for the juice - because you're in bloodthirsty corp america working for them who as soon as you stumble likely will be their to take you out. But i digress.... Lol
I tried many things to help with sleep. Conjured up root variations, amino acids like melatonin, on to pharmas like ambien and the like (until a sleep doc told me one day there were studies starting to suggest a link between ambien and alziemers) I dropped that like a hot rock. Then he put me on something more basic - trazadone essentially an old dead to the world anti-depression med not used for that any more - but was used for sleep issues. I didn't believe in it so i didn't try it for some time. When I finally did - a full nights sleep for the first time in I couldn't tell you how long. It worked so much better on every level than ambien or anything I'd ever tried. I was very surprised but now use it periodically and usually get 7/8 hrs sleep vs 3/4 out of other stuff. I'm a guy that needs his sleep but could just never find where it was - my whole family is like that.
On a final note - I'm on this site now a bit more than the last 12 months and somethings don't change. I might post on something or see a new posting at around 10:30/11:30 PST and inevitably an RC or MoparTenn is up posting at the same time! And I do the math and say to myself - hell when do these guys sleep it's 2:30/3 in the morning where they are!
Sleep is a beautiful thing and to be enjoyed and treasured because it can also be very elusive for so many of us.
Having had a secret security
clearance for many years, I was
subjected to drug tests on a frequent
random basis. So, thought it best to
avoid drugs of any kind. The list was
long as to which ones would
invalidate the clearance.
Working as a contractor for the DOD
required long hours spent chasing
almost impossible deadlines.
After so many years on that
regimented clock, when I retired,
the clock is still there. It doesn't
matter what time of day or night
I hit the hay, I'm guaranteed to
wake up 4-5 hours later. Something
else that's strange is I never feel
really tired when headed for bed.
I can easily stay up for 24 hours
or more.