THis is actually the cam that I went with!
It is a 3 bolt setup. I had to buy a new timing set but I usually do when I have changed cams before.
It has been a windy road.....I first went with a pretty rowdy Lunati solid, the 316/326. the actual specs are a bit fuzzy to me since I ran the cam several years ago....Lift was .556 intake, .578 exhaust (1.6 rocker ratio) and the duration @ .050 was something like 261/271 I/E...It ran friggin strong but at that time, I was getting annoyed with my loose converter and the whole setup in general. I had a GV overdrive and while the reduced freeway rpms were great, the throttle response was soft. I toned it all down a bit by swapping in the 528 cam, an 11" converter that flat out WORKS and I pulled the GV and sold it. I now run 3.55 gears and a regular 727.
Oh...The 3 bolt VS 1 issue: I can only guess that the 3 bolt design is favored for the reduced chance of shearing off the bolts or dowel?