I remember when I was a teen building small blocks and trying to figure out this cool new world, then came life and all my hard earned cash went to making it in such, all the while I would dream I had a muscle car sitting in my garage, and I mean these recurring dreams were so real that I would wake up in a sweat and race to the garage half asleep thinking it was real!
only to find no, nothing
Then one day after my second was born and I had to unload our old boat to get the wife a new car and life seem to be on an even keel I decided to build a motor, no car there but figured at least I can get some of my dream to come real.
Got the 440 stroked and built all shiny and new but nothing to put it in, then in 2010 the thanks to a good tax return and some luck I found her all beat to **** little rust though! but so beat with badly repaired quarters wrong bumper dash tore up, shitty paint and body work and a ton of stuff missing. the new dream began.
Now when I wake up in a sweat and run down to the garage and fling open the door, I can sigh and smile with pride that a real muscle car sits there waiting for me to turn the key and come play.
My classic collection maybe one, and number 136923 out of a million but it's mine and as I grow old and slow I can't help but remember what it was like always dreaming the dream but never having. This drives me, and Chryslers best motivate me. I've gone brand crazy with pride and have found a new love and her name is mopar
Building my collection one mopar at a time. Now up to two