I feel for you... I'd be pissed... There is no good excuse, it's all just BS, it doesn't take that long PERIOD, if it's actually being worked on & they have the parts available, anybody making excuses is just full of **** too... Don't ever buy into, all the excuses & lies/BS, that's all it is, your the paying customer & the customer is always right {well most of the time anyway}, that's the proper way of doing business.... What I always do with any subcontracted work on cars or even on construction contracts... In the future always get a performance clause & completion date, written into your contract... If the guys in business to restore cars, he should be motivated to make money, if they won't do a performance clause & completion date with penalties if it's late, take it somewhere where they will.... Never give any more than the required amount of money, at each point of completion, for his income draw, "EVER" or 99% of the time they will put you on the back burner... It's been my experiences, that many Fabricators & Body guys seem to be notorious procrastinators, it kind of comes with the territory {not all of them, but it's still very common}, they seem to always do the quick money, fast easy jobs 1st & loose interest on the larger jobs or just put them off all together.... Hell mine is been ongoing since Dec. 2005 {but is home & is drivable too}, I do all my own work, I can't blame anybody else, but I've done several cars in that time period too & have way too many expensive house projects, that are all eating up my car funds, to finish mine quickly....