Down to 7 this morning supposed to be 4 degrees tomorrow morning. Highs around 19-22 degrees
Balmy-36/ -36 this morn
Humidity | 57% |
Wind Speed | W 13 mph |
Barometer | 30.65 in (1039.4 mb) |
Dewpoint | -21°F (-29°C) |
Visibility | 10.00 mi |
Wind Chill | -31°F (-35°C) |
Last update | 21 Jan 6:52 am CST |
This morning
You lucky guys in the Quad Cities. You have Kyle Kiel. We are loosing all our weather people here. The parent NBC station decided to do away with all the weather departments in all their stations. Our local weather will come through The Weather Chanel which they own.Quad-City Airport (KMLI)
Lat: 41.45°NLon: 90.52°WElev: 577ft.
View attachment 1792971 -10°F/-23°C
Humidity 57% Wind Speed W 13 mph Barometer 30.65 in (1039.4 mb) Dewpoint -21°F (-29°C) Visibility 10.00 mi Wind Chill -31°F (-35°C) Last update 21 Jan 6:52 am CST
On days like this, I sure appreciate not having to do it anymore.yep
Was -6 in the truck this morning when I got into it.
Getting in my cold azz car with essentially no working heat. Why couldn't I get a auto so I could have remote start so I can pre warm my car. I need heat god damn it my fingys cold