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XBox One Scammers Get Theirs!


Well-Known Member
Local time
4:11 AM
Jan 11, 2012
Reaction score
Orange Park, FL
As most of us with teenagers back in the days of the original Xbox know, Microsoft has made our lives Hell with these things by releasing them in tiny numbers to drive demand up. The original Xbox was impossible to find before Christmas. Then came the Xbox 360, and there were a few more of them released, but the first ones had issues like bursting into flames, so we had to wait to get them after Christmas again.

This year, they release the new Xbox One in decent numbers, but now we have hundreds of thousands of sharpies who figured they could make some quick cash by buying three or four of them and selling the extras off at a premium, so it wasn't a supply issue this time, but a demand one... and an artificial one at that.

So I go to buy one for my son, and they're sold out everywhere. I check ebay and CL, and there they are, with asking prices of about $800. I kept checking around and found out there were plenty more coming, so this Sunday there were more arriving in the stores, and I noticed those $800 prices had dropped to $550 to $600, but since you can buy one at the store for $538 or so no one needs to buy the ones from the CL crooks anymore. :)

So I hope all these scumbags have a rotten Christmas because they sunk all their cash into buying these systems that nobody wants to buy from them. :)
xbox one is plagued by problems ....My son isn't buying it yet... He wants the new playstation 4...

As per my son......
The Xbox One's policies prevent users from trading in, lending or selling their old games, other than a strict one-time option of giving, or 'gifting' a game to a friend (who's been in your friend list for over 30 days). Even if you buy a disc-based copy of the game in a store, once it's installed and registered on your Xbox One, it's yours, and no one else’s. The authentication is a one time only thing, and you can't trade it in, or sell it. more & more.......
I noticed there's a special code that prints out on the receipt you get, and I'm guessing you have to use that to register the unit so they know it wasn't stolen.

I stopped by an HH Gregg store (sort of like a poor man's Circuit City or Best Buy) on Friday and was told they had Xbox Ones in stock but weren't authorized to see them yet because they weren't set up to generate the codes yet.

As for the games, it sounds like the makers are going down that same dark road to failure that the video companies took when they tried to force video rental places out of business. All they did was raise the prices so high that non-rental business customers stopped buying their product. It wasn't until they lowered the price to a better point-of-sales price that sales started going up again. They need to start selling these games for $19 instead of $50 or $60 if they really want to make money off them.
Yeah kids want the newest latest game systems... According to my nephew says "the new Xbox One is really glitchy too, games are not the best, lock up allot when he's playing", Microsoft said it is normal, maybe the latter models will get better, it's new, they will work it out eventually... {Games for Xbox One are very limited & very pricey too, not sure if you can still use older system games, in the newer units or not, I didn't ask him that question}... He recommended the PS4 also, said it wasn't the all in one entertainment/computer system/game recording BS, that the Xbox One is, but most people have a computer for most all of that stuff anyway... Just new crap none of them really need anyway...LOL... My nephew is a guru when it comes to video game stuff & I trust his knowledge & his opinions completely... hell I'm still playing on a PS2 he bought me many years ago & get my games for $10 or less at Game Stop usually {you can't do that with any Xbox they're proprietary IIRC}, but I'm old & like the games, I have already & I'm happy with the old system too, I'm no techy either...

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Google search Xbox One problems or reviews, you will see a bunch of stuff...

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As most of us with teenagers back in the days of the original Xbox know, Microsoft has made our lives Hell with these things by releasing them in tiny numbers to drive demand up. The original Xbox was impossible to find before Christmas. Then came the Xbox 360, and there were a few more of them released, but the first ones had issues like bursting into flames, so we had to wait to get them after Christmas again.

This year, they release the new Xbox One in decent numbers, but now we have hundreds of thousands of sharpies who figured they could make some quick cash by buying three or four of them and selling the extras off at a premium, so it wasn't a supply issue this time, but a demand one... and an artificial one at that.

So I go to buy one for my son, and they're sold out everywhere. I check ebay and CL, and there they are, with asking prices of about $800. I kept checking around and found out there were plenty more coming, so this Sunday there were more arriving in the stores, and I noticed those $800 prices had dropped to $550 to $600, but since you can buy one at the store for $538 or so no one needs to buy the ones from the CL crooks anymore. :)

So I hope all these scumbags have a rotten Christmas because they sunk all their cash into buying these systems that nobody wants to buy from them. :)
:iamwithstupid: Freaken' Scammers/Scalpers for game systems now like all the idiots that scalp game & concert tickets, no different, they all should be "shot like in Call of Duty"...LOL... I hate these type people praying on the public especially around the Holidays, when people are usually taxed financially already, or the public that's stupid enough to pay that much more &/or fall for that crap too, kind of deserve it too..., there will be tons of them after Christmas day available, I hope they get screwed & eat $$$$ on every Xbox One they purchased to try to scalp latter...
I like my video games, like I like my cars...old lol

Seriously Big name System Manufactures and Game developers have been pumping out crap for the better part of the last 10 years.

The xbox 360 Failure rate was something like 52%
I have a magnavox odyssey from 1978 that still works great.

I firmly believe there is going to be a 2nd video game crash
xbox one is plagued by problems ....My son isn't buying it yet... He wants the new playstation 4...

As per my son......
The Xbox One's policies prevent users from trading in, lending or selling their old games, other than a strict one-time option of giving, or 'gifting' a game to a friend (who's been in your friend list for over 30 days). Even if you buy a disc-based copy of the game in a store, once it's installed and registered on your Xbox One, it's yours, and no one else’s. The authentication is a one time only thing, and you can't trade it in, or sell it. more & more.......
That's not true you can buy,trade ,sell just like you do with the 360 games.

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My brother has an xbox one and it's flawless, as far as failure rates the playstation one did have some DOAs on it's release date.The xbox one hasn't had any DOAs but has had some issues with noise from the disc drive and not reading.They both have had a few problems at the start but I think they both are selling really well and will have a good first quarter sales report
That's not true you can buy,trade ,sell just like you do with the 360 games.

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My brother has an xbox one and it's flawless, as far as failure rates the playstation one did have some DOAs on it's release date.The xbox one hasn't had any DOAs but has had some issues with noise from the disc drive and not reading.They both have had a few problems at the start but I think they both are selling really well and will have a good first quarter sales report
I have heard & read the complete opposite... the Xbox on blog sites & forums I saw when researching them, over at my nephews... Both have issue not just the PS4... It seems like someone who likes the Xbox One, or someone's trying to hide the truth about Xbox One & all it's glitches, so it won't hurt the sales before Christmas... I have it on very good authority, by someone who works in the gaming industry as a programmer in my family, someone that's a friend that works for Microsoft also, that Xbox has had it's issues already, was released anyway, to meet the Christmas role out/demands, they're still working on the fixes, just like they do with all Microsoft's computer patches... I'm not saying the Xbox is junk at all, I don't know enough about them 1st hand, but I have seen the freezing on my nephews new system... Trading the Xbox/Microsoft games may still go on, read the disclaimers on the titles & screens, but it's probably not legal, not sure what laws it would come under, copyright infringement maybe, just like you can copy any Microsoft operating system on a disk, then give it to someone else, to download, if they have the proper codes they can use it, but it's still not legal {probably/technically}, doesn't mean it's not still going on or true...Hell I'm still own & playing an old PS2 {I actually like it still}, I can go to my nephews & play any system I want... but I would wait until they correct the problems, with the drive & freezing while playing games etc., before you by, I'm sure it isn't every Xbox either, just like not every Ford Pinto, didn't always explode on impact, but people were still warned anyway... happy gaming
its mostly trying to make a buck ...

its either w/ licensing or the price of the game ( which will always have a high price in the beginning )

and plus i dont buy any system/ console within the 1st few year(s) because of the bugs in them ( which they havent troubleshooted their way because of the rush of putting it out there ) ....IMO
I stopped playing games when all the PC games turned into either FPS or RTS.

I used to like a good FPS, but now ALL decent games are that format.

I never cared for the "mario" style games, and have never owned a "console" (except a full size arcade style Tekken II JAMA).

Bring back a good dedicated helicopter sim (Comanche), transportation logistics sim (RR tycoon), or turn based strategy (Panzer General), and I might get back in.
Glitches are one thing I don't worry about with Microsoft products. My son's Xbox 360 failed after he bought it. One ten minute phone call to Microsoft and a guy from UPS arrived the next day with a shipping box for us. We put the unit in the box and he took it off to Microsoft. Three days later we had a new unit.
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