Sure a .44 cal or Magnum could kill a bear
depends on at what range & where or how many times you hit him...
Problem is he/she could maul you before he died,
their heart beats so damn slow, if the shot wasn't placed well...
stupid shitty-slickers
Bears come in all sizes not all are Kodiak's, Brown bears or Polar Bears
a male Black bear averages about 300 #'s & 5.5 - 6 ft + as an adult
{some will get bigger too if they have the food source}
a male Brown bear averages like 800 #'s & 8 - 9 ft + as an adult
{they do get bigger too if they have the food source}
a male Kodiak is about 900 #'s & 9 ft + as a full mature adult
{some are way bigger & they have a great food source & get huge}
a male Polar Bear averages like 1000 #'s & 10 -11 ft + as an adult
{some get even bigger if they have the food source}
.44 mag Virginian Dragon