68n69 Charger
Active Member
Good evening folks! Getting to the point of finding a good location for my MSD box in a ‘69 Charger. Can I get some recommendations for installing it inside please? Pictures would be a bonus ;)
Wife's 340 Swinger, as purchased. Shot is prior to an extensive cleanup.Under the battery trays is where I have always hidden MSD boxes.
Tons of race cars have the coil in the passenger compartment , mine included. No ill effects.Depends, are you trying to completely hide it? I'm close to the same point with my build, except I have to put the EFI ECU in there as well. I'm thinking passenger side against the firewall just below the heater box. Shouldn't be too visible. Will be accessible as well as somewhat out of the way - most people wouldn't put their feet that high up.
Not to hijack the thread BUT ... I'm wondering if the coil cold be mounted in there as well ... what's the effect of a 4 fott coil wire ???