very cool project! That thing will be a blast to drive..... I've got a viper tranny in my charger and just that alone is a blast. I'm on board for this one.
Yeap, T56.
Got a link?......Sonny loves this...also '63 Dodge/B Bod.....but the yellow????
why not take a look at Eric383's is hot looking & correct.
Keep it as much as a "sleeper" as you can. You'll get some wild reactions from people for sure!
Huge project but your starting with pretty clean cars so that will help. Looking forward to following along!
V10 sound and 18inch wide tires make it tough .............
Then again.
I do plan to make it pretty quiet.........maybe some electric cutouts..........and I may use lots of back spacing like the Viper so it does not at first appear to be such wide tires.
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Chop Chop
That was interesting.
Some advice: If you cut aluminum with a cutting wheel then do remember the dust is flammable..............remember the Hindenburg.......