Well-Known Member
It was a 64...Bobby Spears campaigned one also mainly on the west coast....1964 Galaxies, not 1963.
Opps my mistake. I dont know if Ford did any lightweight Galaxy's in 64 since they built the Thunderbolts. Ron
It was a 64...Bobby Spears campaigned one also mainly on the west coast....1964 Galaxies, not 1963.
Opps my mistake. I dont know if Ford did any lightweight Galaxy's in 64 since they built the Thunderbolts. Ron
Budnick....the 2nd pix above showing the motor thru the 1/2 open firewall is my 1965 Plymouth Funny Car when I was still running it carbureted before I switched to Hilborns on Fuel.
9.90's @ low 140'sMike,
What kind of times was this car running back in 1967?
Bob Goss's A-990 Uber tribute, and my POS A-990 basket.
Yeah, but a bit out of my price range. It would look good in your stable next to your 65 dodge.........