Couple of advantages to wets sanding. 1 with dry sanding it is easy to take too much off. You are just trying to remove the orange peel, not actually block flat the panel. 2 eliminates dust and helps clean the panel. When you wet sand use like a 3x5 block. I think you have the durablock set? The small thin block works great for flat panels. Use a soft block for curved panels. If you feel like you are fighting the sand paper, try only using the leading edge of the block. Work in the x pattern and check your work often by wiping the panel with a squeegee and a dry microfiber. When the orange peel is remove the panel will have a flat look. Any little glossy spots still need some work. Add a few drops of dish soap to the water, it helps the block flow and prevents clogging the paper. 400 grit to remove the orange peel and 600 to remove the scratches from the 400. I don't wet the whole panel, just dunk my block in the water. You just need to keep the area your are working in wet, not soaked. Some guys just use a spray bottle.