MOPARNATION74: I agree 100%. I bought a 70 RR because I liked the condition, 4 speed, etc. I now have about $10,000. more in the car ( 440 Source is a fun toy store ) than it is worth. But it's what I wanted.
As to this Hemi: Lets for a moment put aside its value after restoration. It seems like we have all jumped on the perfectly restored value, rather than considering other financial conditions. I've seen many cars & motorcycles in similar condition bought because the buyer could afford the entry fee & planned on taking several years to bring it up to driver condition. He did not have $75,000. up front. Just an average working kinda guy. Yes, it may cost more to restore than what its eventual condition would justify, but it was what the owner could afford within his weekly/monthly budget. His objective was not investment; it was his only chance to own the vehicle he always wanted.
We have all agreed that the perfect restoration would cost $100k. But maybe the new owner doesn't want or need a perfect restoration. Maybe he can get a nice driver for $50-$60k if he can do a lot of the work himself and substitute good aftermarket parts for OEM. Just a thought!