Ok so it begins, I will try to update pics as much as possible. So i was looking to build another tube chassis car and have been looking for a good (starter) but unable to find a car I wanted to cut up I started looking for ones that were already cut up. My wife runs across this 69 coronet tube chassis and i figure why not take a look at it.Well i am a sucker for all the b body cars so I get to the mans house and its in pretty bad shape to say the least the cage is terrible and so on and so on,But I can see the potential and I have a 15 year old son who just started his high school auto body classes.He has 4 years of it so why not let him help me after school with another race car build and best of all someone has already cut this one up so i dont have to worry about cutting up a good rebuildable mopar. The goal is mid 5 seconds in the eighth mile and to able to hit the mopar races and shows. This is what I am starting with