I don't follow them closely either, but I threw them in to change things up a bit and increase the potential game points for those weekends where either Pro Stock and/or Pro Stock Motorcycle classes were not competing. Unfortunately, it got to a point where the combination of the NASCAR and NHRA "Pick 'Em" games was taking way too much time to get the results computed and posted.
@ocdart Thanks for what you do hear, both Pick em's, I'm sure it's a PITA
But it's a fun game, good reason to check in/watch regularly too
I actually don't follow the other classes, as much as I use to
I like/prefer Pro-Mod better than any other current class
(just haven't kept up as much, very little air time)
fast & unpredictable, hard to drive, fan friendly, real showmen
many different & older body styles, different power adders etc.
keeps it interesting, ever evolving too
Top-Sportsman is a close
Factory Stock Showdown close in
3rd or very close to 2nd
then Pro-Stock, that is the
'red headed bastard stepchild' now
then F/C class
T/F class last
6th of the pro's
I'm not a fan of the T/F Harley's, really
at all
I wish Pro-Mod would get that airtime instead
P/M just hardly any airtime on network TV, like P/S is now too
NHRA & FS1, FS2 or FOX don't care, they are NHRA's puppets anyway
I wish, they'd get the respect they earned
NHRA pro classes is like a animal nearing extinction, holding on for dear life
can't hardly get full fields, crap payouts, dominated by super-teams etc.
now the Networks & NHRA cut 1/2 or more of the Pro's (P/S, P/SM) air time
everything is all about Nitro class, 1000' show
IMO they could care less about sportsman classes
or real 1/4 mile, 1320' racers
'the sportsman competitors, all just pay the bills/purses for them'
ok off my soap box

for now