Active Member
hey everyone i am having a little problem with my 67 dodge i have a 440 with a 727 floor shiftier automatic . the only problem is a slight slipping when it shifts from 2nd to 3rd. and it gets worse as the motor heats up and less when the weather is cooler. the reason it started is because i had to rebuild carb and my set points needed to be re adjusted . i have a Lokar cable shiftier and that is the only thing i have messed with . i have not done anything to tranny inside or out. the slippage is very short and i think i might have the pressure set too low. it does shift at about 8 mph from 1st. 23-25 from 2nd. but its a lite shift. i also had a problem with the floor shiftier getting stuck in neutral do they need oiling or grease to have no hang ups and smooth shifting. its a B&M slap shiftier.