Well-Known Member
Adding a class to the racing festivities at the #MoparVsBrandXstreetcarShowdown this October, the goal is to ensure that the small cube Mopars can have a place compete and really shine some light on what works and what doesn't work in a real world apples to apples comparison of 318s. We have all combed through and participated in discussions on how to make a 318 better... So with that being said, let this be the day of reckoning on the topic! Come all combos! Bare in mind there are 3 other classes going on which have their own guidelines catered to more competitive street cars 1999 and older; but rather than the guys with 318s/273s/and 3.9V6s sitting in the stands watching the action I am taking a stab at getting them on the track as well. In doing so I am asking of you folks to help me reach out to anyone who might have a mild or wild 318 set up and would want to go toe to toe with more 318s where the only rule is that it have a factory 318 block and utilize a 3.31 stroke crank... Stroker, those will be moved into the faster classes accordingly. On hand will be a Muletown Mobile Dyno, weigh scales, and an 1/8 mile track to record data and generally just have a good time applying years of bench racing on the subject. The other classes will be much more fast paced and competitive yes... but the #318Fest class is an attempt at bringing young/inexperienced and often overlooked Mopar daily drivers out for a good time at the track as well as debunk some myths and generally have a good time while learning a thing or two. Also if you are just interested in running in the regular scheduled event a tech card with rules and regulations is below, and a video from the last race. Hope some of you can make the trip Gates open at 10am and there is a optional nightcruise the the evening prior in Decatur, AL!