Well-Known Member
Could I put together a decent build using this block with the 516 heads , bigger carb, headers and rear heard? I wouldn't mind keeping those heads but I'm very confused on compression. So if I understand correctly if I change to aftermarket aluminum heads I'll drop compression and that's due to the type of style flat top pistons I have? So could I have a fun running mopar with the current setup or is it wishful thinking . I've read some articles that people ran the purple mopar 590 cams with stock or ported 516 heads also?
The compression will depend on the heads and gasket you choose. 516 heads are closed chamber, but unless you measure the chamber size is a crap shoot. Probably around 84-85ccs. The stock pistons and stock deck height with the normal composite head gaskets available are probably keeping the static ratio under 9.5:1. You don't need to overthink things and many times too much info isn't productive.
The 516s suffer from exhaust side flow because of a small valve. So it's a good idea to give the engine extra exhaust lift and duration. That also helps with restrictive full exhaust systems. I have my "go to" places but regardless of brand, I'd be looking at an advertised lift under .480 on both intake and exhaust, and somewhere around 225* duration at .050 on the exh side. Stay FAR away from any cams that claim a cool sound or that require a true dual valve spring. It's pretty easy to get 400-425hp with simple bolt ons with a decent running engine. To start getting more than that, you start to need more stuff to make that power. So don't overthink it. I'd stick a smaller (in lift) but larger (in duration) split pattern cam in it and go have fun.