I highly doubt very many were scraped because of it, unless over-bored, but there are better castings than each other too {440 source had a really good write up on the debate}, but core shift is the biggest problem, especially on the trust/outside of the cylinder walls in direction of rotation, if you have a hi-rpm/hi-hp & especially Blown combo, a sonic test will & is still be a great idea, 99% of the time it's the webbing support by the mains that cracks in RB 413-426w-440's, not so much in 350-361-383-400 low-decks B-series because of the smaller main journal diameters & not the cylinder walls "usually", but some core shifted blocks do have one side thinner in the block than others, but you can always sleeve them too, try to get a block if your making big power especially, that has little to no core shift {A Monday block, instead of a Friday after break-time block, so to speak, when the plug for casting has pretty much gone thru it's life cycle} if you think the sonic test shows that they are too thin, in the middle upper section of the cylinder on the thrust side, but it's mainly related to big boost &/or big N20 hits...
not really a myth if you bore it too far & it cracks under a hard load or hi-rpm