Yeah, I must have just read it wrong with you stating "you guys", "those heads" and "those cams". In the English language, a letter "s" at the end of a word typically depicts a plural (meaning more than one). Besides the original poster, I'm the only other one here stating my heads, cam and engine configuration. Not to mention "chipped your tooth on a shell casing trying to bite the bullet" when he hasn't even bought a cam yet. I don't know how else a guy is supposed to take that.
One thing is for certain, it's pretty sad to see an automotive based vendor come onto an automotive forum and not only publicly degrade his own integrity and respect but his business's as well, by posting child like antics and sporting such a demeaning attitude towards folks looking for help. I'm sure you've gained a lot of potential clients going this route.......way to go!
As far as your comment on "Hope it's a 400". I guess that's just a further justification of your own insecurity, bad attitude and miserable life you must live. I really hope you don't expect me to take that to heart, because honestly it's so foolish, it's actually funny. I don't think you did, but before making that comment did you ever stop to think that maybe I didn't build the engine to make 800..900..1000 HP? That quite possibly my budget, driving environment, rest of the cars configuration and end goal was to be more in the 500-600 range? Ooopps.....
A lot of folks know me pretty well around here. I do not spend my time on FBBO arguing or picking fights with folks, I try to be helpful when I can and enjoy learning from other folks experiences and knowledge. Harsh words, bad attitude.....Lot of time I just let things go, no big deal. But you need a reality check pal. Off your posts here, you've proven that you're just a bad person. And the way you have personally conducted yourself here can only be reflected in the same manner with your business ethics as well. With that being said, i'm done wasting my time with you and your negative attitude.
I do really hope the mods delete these posts...I do believe you should continue to be exposed for you who are for the sake of potential clients. The only regret is the spectacle that has been created dealing with you, and all the while the original poster is not getting the advice he's looking for. For that, I do apologize 68gtx. As good face Supershafts, I hope you and yours find some peace around the holidays.
YOU guys, is this, we're talking and you say that you're gonna build this 512 and i say "you guys with this small cam in these DEEP breathing motors, who fills your head with these small cam ideas that only hurt you guys"...
He said he bit the bullet and the chipped tooth metaphor he got as a goof, just like it was intended, but you're a person with no sense of humor and reads into **** that isn't there
Potential clients. my customers get the right info and things that do not fail, and thats all im concerned with.
AND propwash make no mistake Im not here to sell YOU or ANYONE else anything, i come here and point out a problem, just LIKE this, 68gtx wants a 512 and he's gonna use a head that is going to be like making you run a foot race and use a mcdonalds straw to breath thru... I don't want to see YET another mopar enthusiast get steered down the 600hp lane when he can be in the 780, 850 hp lane and still drive the car on the street and be faster than the popular mopar crowd that is utterly embarrassing.
That by the way is some help you gave him, build a 512 and use a head that can't feed it. WHY waste the money to build a 512 that won't make the power all that much better than just building a 440 since you're so concerned with SAVING money.
No i didn't stop to THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU DID, You aren't 68GTX...
You have a problem with reading ATTITUDE that is not there in a post, and for that there is nothing i can do to help you.
Read what Wookie316 said, and then propwash YOU MIGHT understand why i said what i said.....
See propwash youre giving out info to people that is well off and 68GTX might be like Wookie316 and well guess who fuked him up HELPING him build a 512 the popular way.
Some way to make a judgement on someone you don't know at all and got all wrong, but hey use another single sentence to make a judgement call.
. You created the spectacle and now you want to get on the high horse and act like the night in shinning armor, WAD you are.