Squiter size ?
could be a slightly clogged accel./pump nozzle
all the additives & ethanol/alcohol **** they put in gas now,
usually leave behind a;
lil' white or pinkish crystals that clog the lil' tiny orifices
mostly from the alcohol content
take the squirter nozzle off, clean it out really well,
Aerosol Berrymans should do it
then spray some (any decent carb cleaner) carb-cleaner
thru down into the carb side too, flush it out good
if the car has sat a bunch it'll get 'that **** in the bowls too'
same stuff;
'lil' white or pink-ish crystals, clog shit'
stumbling is usually the squirter size/discharge is too small
not enough fuel
(an off chance if it's an older set up, it could be a worn plastic cam for the accel./pump too)
or a restriction, in tip-over/tip-in (?) when you 1st hit the throttle
maybe also check the diaphragm in the accel./pump too
or the adjustments on in the linkage on the accel./pump cam lever too lose
possibly (?)
or bottoming the lever out too tight (?)
partially clogged main or secondary fuel filter too
do the easiest stuff 1st
In my experiences
a Coil 'taken a dump/going out-away', can have a stumble too,
it sort of acts like a carb issue at times, been there too
guess that's a few things to check
good luck