Well, that’s definitely a problem.Car running read 13-14v at coil and output side of ballast.
Well, that’s definitely a problem.Car running read 13-14v at coil and output side of ballast.
.....No, disconnecting a ballast resistor on a factory points system will make the car stall.Just for fun, I'd try starting the car, and then disconnecting the ballast.
It should continue to run...
It must be grabbing B+ from the brown wire if everything Is truly virgin
About a year ago, when I was working on the distributor, I accidentally brushed against the ballast resistor pulling off a terminal and it did just that......No, disconnecting a ballast resistor on a factory points system will make the car stall.
I think that’s original. Here’s a 1965 Coronet with a reproduction of an original harness. Two wires in both ballast terminalsAll those gray wires - has someone home fabricated an engine wiring harness to replace an old factory one? There should only be one wire on the driver side terminal of the ballast resister.