Grzilly Attack!!
As you wish - Update!
We heard a ruckus in the shop and found a Grizzly bear rootin' around in my car! I think he was hoping to find some snackies under the seat but no luck - haha!...........Oh wait........that's my crazy intern (a.k.a. - my brother)! :jerk:
He tore it up good;
Then he found this;
(I think this is one a'dem buildini sheet thingies all the exper'twars is carryin on about so now I see why they call me 'special'.....yah I'm 'gifted' alright.......There was another one under the back seat bottom too but it all looks like lowroglyphics to me)
And this;
And this sweet little exhaust hanger hackery;
Plus a little bliss here;
Then Grizzly got out his claws and got after it with the Crud Thug;
Worst spot was Rt Rear under lower seat cushion area. Not a gash you're seeing there, just one tiny pinhole that you can't see. Grizzly determined the pinhole was caused by muffler cooking through the undercoating in one spot near tunnel but I was too lazy to get under there and confirm his thesis. Anyway, I'm thinking this is a gift really, if that's all I have to worry about, we're golden with the floor.......
First round with our soon-to-be-patented "
Super Grizzly Acid Wash", yah, looking good so far;
Maybe I'm nutz, but I think I'm actually liking the rust hole over the t-bar xmember. After cutting it open, we should have decent access to attack the xmember rust from both sides before the safe-t cap repair thingy goes on the underside. Later the floor will get a "
Grizzly Patch" and then it's more beer/pizza/prOn for everyone!!..... :icon_pidu:
OK, now what to do with the rust puffs on the dash?? I can't afford another project within a project, my brain hurts already and I really aint even done nuthin yet!! :headbang:
More fun stuff coming soon if I can keep Grizzly from going back into hibernation....