Man, I feel for you. When I lived in Ramona I worked at a shop to do just the older vehicles. My first task was to put a 67 Camaro together that had been apart for over 10 years, been to 3+ other shops, moved around at the car owners place, owner went through a divorce and had to move etc etc. My boss and the car owner figured it would take a month to get it together. This car was an empty shell with only the drivetrain, front suspension and rear suspension in. 10 months later I had it put back together. There was a huge amount of parts missing, parts for other GM cars in the pile, no info on what went where and neither the car owner or my boss wanted to get me needed info for assembly. Some of the parts that were missing, the car owner accused me of stealing. I told him flat out I'm a Mopar guy and GM junk is of no use to me and why would I want GM junk polluting my garage. He was a roid raging Richard Cranium. He finally calmed down "some". As for my boss, I told him either pony up with what I need or it ain't gettin done. Even when I needed small stuff like fasteners, fittings etc I had to go through his "secret stashes" which were just bins of junk. Good thing I got paid by the hour. BTW, I had never taken a GM car apart before so I just had to use the old noggin. Never again will I take something on like that.