Well-Known Member
Put the trans in neutral, and climb under the car, near the rear u-joint (at rear of driveshaft). Rotate the driveshaft, both directions, and look for any 'play', looseness in that u-joint. If there is, there's your 'bang', the u-joint is bad, and sooner or later, it will come apart! Should not be any play in the u-joint itself. There are several sizes, so you need to know which one is needed, if it is replaced.I also noticed when installing my new drive shaft, that the rear end has play in it--- or maybe that's not the best way to describe it.... more specifically, the yoke could be twisted back and forth a before it engaged the rear end.
Trans slipping? Could be just needs the bands adjusted...that's a snap for a trans shop, that knows what the hell their doing. How much time, since rebuild, if ever on it? If a lot of time...won't hurt to rebuild it.