I was looking at the shock mount plate today - maybe there's room for the LPW External Brace between the axle and the shock? It might be tight or it might not work at all.
If LPW offers this stuff, I'm pretty
sure they wouldn't offer it if it didn't
fit an intended (stock) application.
As with the feet on the load bolts
in their girdle, your needed parts may
have to be modified some to fit
your application. It was my choice to
modify the load bolts for the bearing
caps to what I felt is a more robust
installation and prevention of failure.
It made no sense to me to place
half of a 10 in/lb load on the bearing
cap bolt when it's the bearings that
fail under repeated hard acceleration.
Bear in mind that whatever you
choose to modify of their parts, the
burden of failure and possible injuries
becomes yours.
Hot Rods would never have been
born if it were not for a lot of "out
of the box" thinking. And most of
these guys didn't have a mechanical
engineering degree.
I can't even begin to tell you of the
many "goofs" I made during 47 years
of design experience, but when I got
it right.....what a feeling.
Just trying to offer a little