David Stillie
Well-Known Member
Thanks so much for the concise, step by step quarter window instructions!
I've been dreading that job since i got the car back from the body-shop. It was an empty shell.
Your instructions were a great help, since the FSM doesn't really help when your starting from scratch. I printed them up and took them into the garage.
They took me about six hours total. The worst part was the main regulator arm clip. Used a big pair of channel-locks and a socket. Its all adjusted up and ready to go.
Thanks again

Thanks so much for the concise, step by step quarter window instructions!
I've been dreading that job since i got the car back from the body-shop. It was an empty shell.
Your instructions were a great help, since the FSM doesn't really help when your starting from scratch. I printed them up and took them into the garage.
They took me about six hours total. The worst part was the main regulator arm clip. Used a big pair of channel-locks and a socket. Its all adjusted up and ready to go.
Thanks again

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