obummers already talking about new gun laws...because hes an idiot.
now..putting aside the horror for a minute,lets think this thru.
the story they want us to believe is that these guys went there,shot up the place,then proceed to escape/clean getaway...BUT.....
4 hours later they are shot up by the cops 2 miles from the scene?
annnnnnnd....those pipe bombs were reported to not be pipe bombs,
just looked like them.
now why would heavily armed people be toting around fake pipe bombs and throwing them at the cops like they were real?
unless the suspects Thought they were real...deep thought.
and why are they less than 2 miles from the scene in the Same vehicle?
they Wanted to be caught??
or maybe thought they would be arrested and get their camera time,perhaps.
im sure weve all heard lots of conspiracy theories in our time.
but this,absolutely stinks of a setup.
whats a surefire way to get the whole country irate and roused up?
shooting a bunch of handicapped people would do exactly that...
and,suspects cannot be questioned if they are dead.....
makes it really easy to lay the blame wherever they want to.
and why do i call obummer an idiot?
because if you take away Regular peoples guns,
then the only people who will have guns IS the criminals....ffs.
this whole post may be off the wall,but all im asking,
is for you guys to logically think this thru.