I am not totally throwing in the towel, (Yet), thank you. Your setup sounds awesome! As I said, my factory gauges are disconnected so no ammeter to worry about. Also, the voltmeter was tied to something under the dash. I at least made that a homerun to the alternator. The big issue is I am overwhelmed with Must Do's before I can get to the Want To's. I have my son's 2 vehicles, a 93 Jeep Wrangler, his daily ride 2005 PT Cruiser, my own 23 year old daily driver Caravan and still have a sizable mortgage and walk around in a stuper for days, unable to sleep at night due to working 7 midnight shifts in a row, which repeats every 3 weeks. I have been doing this for over 35 years! Then there's my wife's stuff & she lives a thousand miles away! Believe me, I am burned out and usually half broke! Nobody seems to want to buy any of my 70 year old internal organs either. That is the real reason that I procrastinate. Call it a combination of insanity, pre-senility and a light wallet! I promise due diligence as soon as things simmer down a tad! In the meanwhile, thank you for your excellent suggestions. I am not used to things that actually make sense! Most of the time I am on here is when I am at work on shift, many times in the middle of the night. I am quite tired of burning the candle at both ends. We shift workers usually die 7 years sooner than other folks do as we have no circadium rythym left. With life expectancy for men now dropping to 79, that gives me about 2 more years of chaos before my time is up! I have a couple other Stationary Engineers on here who also work these ungodly hours. We converse when most others are snoozing.

May your way be more pleasant!