you can run a wire from the main 12vt output charging threaded terminal {on the Alternator} to the big threaded lug on the starter relay, that's on the firewall by the bulkhead connector, that helps some, to reduces/lessons the strain/load on the under-dash wiring, the large black wire that branches off & that feeds all the under-dash fuse panel & dash/gauges wiring etc., it helps allot & shortens the current & charging path... I've done it with an 6ga.- 8ga. wire in several of the B-Body cars, I've owned with larger amperage alternators {like 75amp & above, it's a Band-Aid, but will help} & that still also had the original Amp gauge in line & working... I always clean all the connections on all the bulkhead connectors, & add a dab of dielectric grease to all electrical connections, resistance equals heat, get rid of the oxidation/rust {on anything I do in the electrical system or added electronics stuff} including the back of the amp gauge... make sure the wiring is all in good shape, no cracks & all good connections, no loose ends... I also will sometimes add some shrink tube to the wire connection for added safety & a little peace of mind, the original connections are just taped...