I am surprised by the 20 foot by 2010, but am guessing this was related to someone misreading the question that existed when we were in school which was whether the ice caps (on Greenland and the West Antarctic Ice Sheet) could collapse. Collapsing would mean slide off the continents by processes such as ice streams. When I was in school we went through an exercise to map out coastlines with contributions from the various ice sheets and then were asked to discuss how what policy we might consider for two scenarios. One scenario had the ice sheets melting without collapse which would take hundreds if not thousands of years. The other had collapse and an arbitrary timeline of 100 years was chosen. I have no idea how realistic that last one was. My guess is you got someone who took he latter model and made the 20 foot prediction.
There are bigger issues with climate change than us simply adapting. Food production can be strongly impacted. Water as well. It stresses the system. The impact is societal stress. My opinion is that we want to know as much as possible about it (on a global level). The IPCC has very well trained scientists who speak for the community. They are not trying to pull the wool over anyone's eyes. The data are available and alternative possibilities considered. That is the nature of science. The evidence leads.
And I do not deny that things like the end of the little ice age resulted in natural retreat of glaciers, just that evidence suggests change now and that it is due to our activities.
If you were taught climate change in school, I suspect that you are younger than me. When I was in school in the 60's & 70's climate change was not taught, however, when i was in grammar school, the news was filled with stories that pollution was going to be so bad that the sky would turn dark. In the 1970's, we were told of the coming of another ice age.
When that didn't happen, the next scare was acid raid...
When that didn't happen, the next scare was the hole in the ozone layer, which was going to fry everything on earth and humans would all die of cancer.....
And when that didn't happen, everyone moved on to "global warming". Remember images of starving polar bears and polar bears falling into the water because there was no more ice?
Oceans were going to rise, "extreme weather events" were going to get worse, the coastlines were going to be underwater & it was nothing but doom and gloom. But then a funny thing happened, the apocalypse didn't happen and it was discovered that some of these scientists were fudging their data. Remember "climategate" from the last decade?
"In November 2009, over 1,000 private emails between climate change scientists were stolen and published online. The uproar that followed briefly shook the public's faith in global warming science, and prompted investigations that debunked sceptics' allegations that the mails showed the planet wasn't warming."
Once that controversy died down, "global warming" morphed into "climate change" where every extreme weather event was blamed on man ruining the environment. Of course the only way to stop all this is by imposing taxes and lots of regulations which which cost more money.
Check out all this doom and gloom.....
We've even been told that we were going to run out of oil in 2011 and that didn't happen.
What I look at are the major players in all of this who I call climate pimps. These very wealthy people live extravagant lifestyles and their yearly carbon footprints are larger in in one year than many of us put together. Their "environmental sins" are discounted because they more than we do. They offset their extravagances by buying/trading carbon credits, so that's ok.....for them. One former presidential candidate who is one of the biggest proponents of climate change recently spent 300 grand on private jets, but that's ok because he cares.
"Carbon offsets" make it ok with him, but do you know what a carbon offset is? I certainly don't, but it sounds lucrative. Maybe I should start up my own business and call it "Honest Richard's Carbon Credit Company".
Back to numbers being fudged, it appears that it's still happening today, but you don't see that being reported on by major news organizations. Why is that?
Facts have been documented that through the centuries, several ancient civilizations have come and gone due to climate change which cannot be blamed by humans....
Some are quick to blame the recent fires in California on climate change, when in reality, CA has droughts all the time & it could very well be that these fires were caused by man. However, It's a fact that there are more trees today than there were 150 years ago and more trees mean that there are more dead trees, which are just kindling for wildfires. More logging is needed and firebreaks must be created to prevent future fires. I don't mean to turn this political, but bad political decisions do have consequences. You also have these rabid environmentalists would rather see thousands of homes go up in flames than to cut a single tree down....
The bottom line is that I do believe that man contributes "issues" in the environment, but not to the extent that these climate pimps and climate alarmists claim. The sun and Mother nature have a far greater role on our weather than man does. While man does rely heavily on gas and oil today, no one knows what future technology will be invented in 50, 100, 150 years from now that will replace oil and gas. I've seen a lot of climate BS in my 59 years and one thing that all of these dire predictions have in common is that none of them have come true. This is why I am skeptical.