I have no excuse to why we didnt go... I wish we did.. I just said that.. we went racing at trails... CUZ YOU KNEW I WAS GOING TO BE THERE AND YOU WERE SCARED!
I got into pinks and didnt go to it. Went NSS racing at Milan instead. . Glad I didnt go... picked a slower class and heard it was a cluster. Glad you got your airtime your so proud of.. showed how much of a joke you really are.YOU PAID TO GO TO PINKS ALLOUT AND THEN DONT GO>>>>>THAT MAKES ALOT OF SENSE.MAYBE IF YOU SHOWED THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN ENOUGH RACERS IN YOUR CLASS.9.78.9
lol 6 beers? thats funny old man... you obviously don't know how a hillbilly college student drinks... YOUR RIGHT,I DON'T KNOW ANY HILLBILLIES!
when you get done playing around in that glorified "I make my own rules so I can play and win" bracket race you call NENDRA, come find me ill show you how to race and party for that matter

And neither of us has the baddest dodge lol, plenty faster then our turds... but I will tell you that ours is down right sexier... YA THAT'S IT SEXIER, IF THATS WHAT YOU WANT TO CALL IT!
off to drink some schlitz!!!(sp) GO GET EM TIGER!
Casey (aka The Slim Redeyed Hillbilly!)